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Delegation der brasilianischen NADO zu Gast


Luisa Parente (National Secretary, Brazilian Doping Control Authority (ABCD)) war gemeinsam mit Anthony Moreira (Technical Director, ABCD) und Danilo Mendosa (International Relation Manager, ABCD) am Montag zu Gast bei der Nationalen Anti Doping Agentur Deutschland (NADA) in Bonn.  
Bei einem Gespräch mit Dr. Andrea Gotzmann (Vorstandsvorsitzende der NADA) und Dr. Lars Mortsiefer (Vorstandsmitglied der NADA) tauschten sich beide Agenturen über Organisationsstrukturen im Bereich der täglichen Anti-Doping-Arbeit aus. Auch auf der Agenda stand ein Austausch zur Umsetzung des Dopingkontrollsystems in den beiden Ländern, an dem der Leiter des NADA-Ressorts Doping-Kontroll-System, Stefan Trinks, ebenfalls teilnahm. 

Foto v.l.: Jorge Leyva (Chief Executive officer, iNADO), Stefan Trinks (Ressortleiter Doping-Kontroll-System, NADA), Anthony Moreira (Technical Director, ABCD), Luisa Parente (National Secretary, ABCD), Danilo Mendosa (International Relation Manager, ABCD), Dr. Lars Mortsiefer sowie Dr. Andrea Gotzmann (NADA-Vorstand). 



Delegation of the Brazilian NADO visits NADA Germany

Luisa Parente (National Secretary, Brazilian Doping Control Authority (ABCD)) together with Anthony Moreira (Technical Director, ABCD) and Danilo Mendosa (International Relation Manager, ABCD) were guests at the National Anti Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany) in Bonn on Monday.
During a discussion with Dr. Andrea Gotzmann (Chairperson of the Executive Board of NADA Germany) and Dr. Lars Mortsiefer (Member of the Executive Board of NADA Germany), both agencies exchanged views on organisational structures in the field of daily anti-doping work. Also on the agenda was an exchange on the implementation of the doping control system in the two countries, in which the head of NADA Germany’s Testing department, Stefan Trinks, also took part.

Photo from left: Jorge Leyva (Chief Executive officer, iNADO), Stefan Trinks (Head of Testing department, NADA Germany), Anthony Moreira (Technical Director, ABCD), Luisa Parente (National Secretary, ABCD), Danilo Mendosa (International Relation Manager, ABCD), Dr. Lars Mortsiefer and Dr. Andrea Gotzmann (Executive Board, NADA Germany).