The National Anti Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany) draws attention to the fact that creams and skin sprays, that are used to treat certain medical conditions can contain anabolic-androgenic steroids, in particular testosterone or clostebol. The use of these drugs falls under the anti-doping regulations and requires a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).
Athletes are required to check the ingredients of products that are applied to the skin for doping relevance. In most countries, creams and skin sprays containing anabolic-androgenic steroids include a doping warning in the package leaflet of the medication.
Some medicines abroad have the same name as German medicines, but the active ingredients are sometimes different. In some countries (e.g. France and Italy), drugs with doping relevance are explicitly labelled. The anti-doping organisations of other countries (e.g. Canada/UK/USA/Switzerland/Japan/Australia/New Zealand (GlobalDRO), Austria, France, Sweden, Ireland, Singapore) offer - similar to the German drug database NADAmed - information options on their websites.