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[Translate to English:] Person in der Apotheke

Current medical advice and warnings

Are you currently suffering from hay fever or asthma? Do you want to donate blood plasma? Are you taking dietary supplements? Are you wondering if using CBD oil could lead to a positive doping test? Maybe you are planning a trip to China or Mexico?

Following we give you important tips and answers on these topics.

Important notes

Important Documents

Info sheet Cannabis and hemp products in sport

Info sheet Cannabis and hemp products in sport

Open link
Info sheet Blood, Blood Plasma and Platelet Donations (only in german)

Info sheet Blood, Blood Plasma and Platelet Donations (only in german)

Open link
Info sheet Peripheral Stem Cell Donation (only in german)

Info sheet Peripheral Stem Cell Donation (only in german)

Open link
FAQ - Changes regarding cortisone as of 01.01.2022

FAQ - Changes regarding cortisone as of 01.01.2022

Open link
Information brochure on NEM from the German Olympic Sports Confederation with contributions from NADA Germany

Information brochure on NEM from the German Olympic Sports Confederation with contributions from NADA Germany

Open link