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NADA Germany's Commissions are honorary bodies of proven experts in an advisory position. The members are appointed by NADA Germany’s executive board for a five-year term with the option of re-appointment. Usually, the commissions meet once or twice a year and encourage action, and give recommendations in the areas of law, testing, medicine and prevention. Commission members are not involved in operational business and have no decision-making authority. On this page you will find an overview showing the composition of the commissions.

Commission Testing

NADA Germany's Anti-Doping Testing Programme is supported by the voluntary Doping Control Commission in an advisory capacity. Commission members are not involved in the operational business and have no decision-making authority. The Commission is composed of proven experts in (analytical) science and teaching as well as international sports federations. The following experts were appointed as members of the Testing Commission:


Dr. Martin Bidlingmaier (Head of Endocrinology Laboratory, University Hospital Munich, LMU)


  • Dr. Hans Geyer (Head of Laboratory, Institute of Biochemistry, German Sport University Cologne)
  • Sarah Fussek (Anti-Doping Manager, Coordinator Fédération Internationale de Ski Anti-Doping, FIS)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Jelkmann (Director, Institute of Physiology, University of Lübeck)
  • Claudia Knack (former athlete Modern Pentathlon, Biotechnology Engineer)
  • NADA Germany Dr Eva Bunthoff (Head of Testing Department)

Medical Commission

NADA Germany's Medicine Department is supported in an advisory capacity by the honorary Medical Commission. The commission is composed of experts from science and medicine.  The following experts were appointed as members of the Medical Commission:


Dr. med. Sebastian Thormann (Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Sports Medicine, Medicum Wesemlin Lucerne, World Rowing Champion, Olympic athlete)


  • Dr. med. Patric Bialas (Anaesthesiology, Pain Medicine, Palliative Medicine, Addiction Medicine; Head of the Department of Pain Medicine at Saarland University, Homburg; Pain medicine practice in Saarlouis)
  • Dr. med. Bernd Dörr (General practitioner, former federation doctor of the German Weightlifting Federation)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Bettina Gohlke (Paediatric Endocrinology/Diabetology; University Children's Hospital Bonn)
  • Dr. med. Marianne Korfmann (Centre for Pain Therapy and Anaesthesia at Butzbach Castle, member of the Anti-Doping Commission of the German Disabled Sports Association)
  • Dr. med. Maren Pachutani (Centre for Orthopaedics, Trauma Surgery and Sports Medicine at the Bonn Community Hospital, federation doctor of the German Modern Pentathlon Federation)
  • Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schänzer (Institute for Biochemistry Cologne)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Holger Schmitt  (ATOS Clinic Heidelberg)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Axel Urhausen (President of the Med.  Commiss. of the Luxembourg Olympic Sports Committee; former doctor for the German Rowing Federation)
  • Dr. med. Wilfried Wolfgarten (Radiologist, 6-time World Championship participant in fencing)
  • NADA Germany Dr. rer. nat. Anja Scheiff (Head of Medical Department)

Commission Education

NADA Germany's Education Department is supported in an advisory capacity by the voluntary Education Commission. Commission members are not involved in the operational business and have no decision-making authority. The commission is composed of experts from science, politics and teaching. 


Dr. Marc Wonneberger (Federal Institute for Sport Science)


  • Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kracke (Chair of Educational Psychology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
  • Alina Modolo (Trainer Academy of the German Olympic Sports Confederation)            
  • Anna-Maria Wagner (National Judo Team, World Champion)            
  • Jürgen Ertelt (social and media educator, former coordinator at the Fachstelle für internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) 
  • N.N. (Consultant, German Sports Youth)                         
  • NADA Germany Michael Behr (Head of Prevention)

Legal Commission

NADA Germany's legal department is supported in an advisory capacity by the honorary Legal Commission. Commission members are not involved in the operational business and have no decision-making authority. The Commission is composed of experts from science, politics and teaching, the state jurisdiction and sports federations. The following experts were appointed as members of the Legal Commission:


Prof. Dr. Martin Nolte (German Sport University Cologne)


  • Prof. Dr. Jens Adolphsen (Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Department of Law)
  • Dr. Caroline Bechtel (German Sport University Cologne, Institute for Sports Law)
  • Mr. Harald Greib (German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, Department Sport)
  • Dr. Holger Niese (German Olympic Sports Confederation, Legal Counsel)
  • Dr. Stefan Schmidt (Legal Advisor of the German Football Federation)
  • Dr. Franz Steinle (President of the German Ski Federation)
  • Prof Dr. med. Dr. iur. Heiko Striegel (University Hospital Tübingen, Deputy Medical Director Sports Medicine)
  • NADA Germany Dr. Lars Mortsiefer (NADA Germany Board Member and Head of Legal Department)