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ADAMS can be accessed via the URL adams.wada-ama.org/adams or WADA's 'Athlete Central' app, allowing access from anywhere in the world.

All RTP and NTP athletes submit their whereabouts data in ADAMS.

Important information about ADAMS

  • Please note the security precautions for securing your password and create a new password after resetting it.
  • If you have any questions, you can contact us or the ADAMS Helpdesk at adams[at]wada-ama.org or by phone at +1 819 272 4278 oder 001 819 272 4278.

Tutorial videos for ADAMS (German)

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Athlete Central

Launched in November 2019, 'Athlete Central' is WADA's new app designed to simplify athlete compliance with the whereabouts requirements as part of the global Anti-Doping programme.

Information about WADA's app

  • The 'Athlete Central' app was developed by WADA and released on November 28, 2019. NADA is also a user of the app.
  • All problems with the Athlete Central app that NADA Germany receives from athletes are communicated by NADA to WADA so that the system can be improved.
  • The ADAMS app (not the ADAMS system) was shut down on April 15, 2020. Athletes who do not use the ADAMS desktop version exclusively should download the Athlete Central app.
  • The Athlete Central app is a WADA application. WADA has set up a helpdesk for questions and problems: athletecentral[at]wada-ama.org or call +1 514 904 8800.
  • In the event of any log-in problems, athletes can use the alternative contact options (SMS, e-mail, answering machine).
  • In the event of open questions or problems, users can also contact the NADA Testing department directly by email (dks[at]nada.de). NADA Germany forwards all comments to WADA.
  • NADA Germany has summarized frequently asked questions about Athlete Central in its own FAQs. You can find these below.


Managing whereabouts via ADAMS as an RTP and NTP athlete is possible with 'Athlete Central' at any time.

To the iOS app
To the Android app


For more frequently asked questions and answers about 'Athlete Central', visit WADA's ADAMS helpdesk.

To ADAMS helpdesk

Last minute emergency changes

In rare cases, in which athletes do not have access to the internet for a short period of time, whereabouts updates can be subitted by telephone to NADA Germany or by SMS via ADAMS. User manual, declaration of consent, information on how to cancel via SMS and FAQs can be found below or in the downloads section.


Manual and updates

The manual for using ADAMS can be found in the system. ADAMS is regularly updated by WADA. Information about current updates can be found under the following link: https://adams-help.wada-ama.org/hc/en-us 

In the course of securing athletes' data, WADA has integrated so-called security questions into ADAMS. Information on setting up security questions and general information on passwords can be found here: adams-help.wada-ama.org


Two factor authentication in ADAMS 

WADA has introduced two-factor authentication for ADAMS to increase data security. Two-factor authentication can be disabled and replaced with TOTP or SMS. WADA explains this step-by-step in a guide: Resetting your Two-Factor Authentication Method


Weitere Informationen

Standard for Results Management/Disciplinary Proceedings Version 4

Standard for Results Management/Disciplinary Proceedings Version 4

  • 1,016 KB
Infosheet to Whereabouts and Availability

Infosheet to Whereabouts and Availability

  • 76 KB
Infosheet for RTP Athletes

Infosheet for RTP Athletes

  • 92 KB
Infosheet for the WADA App: Athlete Central

Infosheet for the WADA App: Athlete Central

  • 388 KB
Emergency Cancellation via SMS

Emergency Cancellation via SMS

  • 61 KB
Instructions for the Quarterly Submission via Athlete Central

Instructions for the Quarterly Submission via Athlete Central

  • 305 KB
Instructions for the "Password Recovery" function in Athlete Central

Instructions for the "Password Recovery" function in Athlete Central

  • 603 KB