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International cooperation: Uncovering a doping network


As part of the international cooperation between Swiss Sport Integrity, the National Anti-Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany) and the Swiss and German investigative authorities, a doping network based in Germany was uncovered and dismantled. 

The investigation was based on the confiscation of parcels by the Swiss Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (BAZG), which held parcels containing suspected doping substances. Swiss Sport Integrity informed NADA Germany of the discovery. NADA Germany compiled a comprehensive report on the online trade and the owners and passed the information on to the German authorities. 

At the end of last week, the Hanover Public Prosecutor's Office, the Hanover State Trade Supervisory Office, the Hanover City Food Inspection Authority and the Hanover Customs Investigation Office announced [presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/50275/5863343 - only in german] that forces from the Hanover Customs Investigation Office, under the direction of the Hanover Public Prosecutor's Office, had searched the homes and business premises of two people in Hanover and Langenhagen. The suspects, aged 40 and 68, who jointly operated an online trade in sports nutrition and dietary supplements, are suspected of violating the Anti-Doping Act and the Medicinal Products Act.