The Sports Committee of the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament held its 12th meeting on 16 January 2024 in the former voting chamber of the German Bundestag in Bonn. The main item on the agenda was the exchange with the National Anti Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany).
Dr Lars Mortsiefer, CEO of NADA, gave an overview of NADA Germany's tasks and objectives. Michael Behr, Head of Education Department at NADA Germany, reported on the current measures of the doping education programme TOGETHER AGAINST DOPING.
During a tour of NADA Germany's offices, the committee members were given an insight into NADA Germany's daily work and exchanged views with NADA Germany employees on site.
Together with all the federal states, the state of NRW finances a large part of the doping education work in Germany and represents the federal states on NADA Germany's Supervisory Board