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New Sports Arbitration Rules require amendment of the arbitration agreement


The German Court of Arbitration for Sport (DIS) has published new Sports Arbitration Rules (DIS-SportSchO) in force on 1 January 2025. Among other things, the numbering of the articles in these new DIS-SportSchO has changed. The National Anti Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany) has therefore revised the model arbitration agreements, which are made available to the sports federations for download, accordingly. The revision concerns the reference to Article 60 of the DIS-SportSchO (appeal to CAS).

The previously signed arbitration agreements remain valid. It is not necessary to re-conclude all existing arbitration agreements. The old arbitration agreements also continue to guarantee legal recourse to the German Court of Arbitration for Sport. NADA German recommends that the sports federations replace the existing arbitration agreements when they are routinely renewed. For new arbitration agreements, the newly available model Arbitration Rules are to be used. As before, these must be signed manually by the sports federation and the respective athletes.

You can find the model Arbitration Rules here (only in German):

You can access the new Sports Arbitration Rules here: https://www.dis-sportschiedsgericht.de/werkzeuge-und-ressourcen/sportschiedsordnung