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New NADA e-Learning System


Digital learning has become standard – also in doping prevention. In order to enable young athletes to learn from all mobile devices, the National Anti Doping Agency of Germany (NADA) has redesigned its e-learning course via the chunkx system as part of its prevention programme TOGETHER AGAINST DOPING.

NADA’s mission is to sensitise athletes to the topic of doping at an early stage, to train them and to familiarise them with the rules for clean sport. The primary goal of the revised e-learning programme is to provide athletes with an attractive doping prevention offer that they can use at any time on their smartphone, tablet or laptop.
The new platform currently contains the basic course, which interactively prepares all important anti-doping topics and encourages self-reflection. Through specific questions, the process of a doping control, but also the dangers of doping traps and many other topics are explained. Structured learning objectives serve as an orientation for the remaining exercises.  

In the future, NADA will gradually expand the e-learning course with further topics and target group-specific offers. You can find more information at: www.gemeinsam-gegen-doping.de/e-learning