The National Anti Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany) once again organised a digital workshop for state investigating authorities. The event was attended by around 70 participants from Police Stations and State Criminal Investigation Offices (LKA) from around 12 federal states, Public Prosecutor's Offices, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the Customs Criminal Investigation Office (ZKA) and the Customs Investigation Service.
The programme offered participants both the opportunity for further training and to exchange ideas with each other. In short updates from NADA Germany's Legal, Testing Programme (DKS) and Medical departments, NADA Germany employees presented current topics. A special focus was placed on NADA Germany's Intelligence and Investigations work as well as the Further Education and Research Initiative in Criminal Doping Law (FIDoS).
Presentations by external speakers rounded off the programme. The Public Prosecutor's Offices from Freiburg, Munich, Zweibrücken and Düsseldorf as well as the ZKA, the BKA and the Institute for Doping Analysis and Sports Biochemistry Dresden (IDAS) and the Institute for Biochemistry at the German Sport University Cologne provided insights into current anti-doping work. The Austrian anti-doping organisation (NADA Austria) and Swiss Sport Integrity rounded off the programme with topics relating to international cooperation.
Cooperation with the state investigating authorities is an important component of effective anti-doping work. The workshops offered by NADA Germany promote dialogue and the expansion of networks.