The National Anti Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany) looked back on the anti-doping work in 2020 during its digital annual press conference on Tuesday and gave an overview of current anti-doping topics. The conference focused on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Due to the rapid development of new communication strategies, the anti-doping work was able to continue at a high standard, despite lockdown and the associated restrictions in many areas of public life," said Dr. Andrea Gotzmann, CEO of NADA Germany.
“NADA Germany has increased its efforts to provide innovative solutions to support clean athletes, especially during the first COVID-19 wave and the suspension of the classic testing programme. Among other things, the project for the "Dried Blood Spot (DBS)" method was initiated. To further develop this project and make it fit for the future, NADA Germany cooperated with athletes. NADA Germany welcomes the now official introduction of the DBS method at the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo,” says Gotzmann: “The number of NADA Germany's out-of-competition testing last year is at a comparable standard to the previous years. Due to the many cancellations of competitions, testing in this area could not be carried out to the same extent."
“The Olympic testing programme had to be temporarily suspended last year and, with the postponement of the Games, is back on schedule and at the usual level. The German participants for Tokyo are the focus of the testing programme. However, the preparations for Beijing 2022 are also in full swing," explained Gotzmann: "The prevention work was ensured throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The prevention department has created a large online service to continue its educational work. The e-learning course will continue to be used more and workshops will be offered digitally."
“At the forefront of 2020 was the implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code 2021 (WADC 2021) in the National Anti-Doping Code 2021 (NADC21). NADA Germany implemented the international requirements in accordance with regulations at an early stage. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) officially recognized the NADC21 in August 2020. The NADC21 is WADC 2021-compliant," added Dr. Lars Mortsiefer, board member and chief legal advisor of NADA Germany.
"NADA Germany used the restrictions during the lockdown to deepen the investigative work in the area of intelligence and investigations," explained Mortsiefer: "Especially the processing of the Aderlass operation under sports law will continue."
“Under the special circumstances of the pandemic, NADA Germany initiated a consistent digital exchange with experts from international anti-doping agencies. The further development of anti-doping work for the future is only possible through this exchange of experience and the supporting specialist discussions,” said Gotzmann.
"The basis of all measures is the financing of NADA Germany, which thanks to institutional funding from the federal government has a solid foundation since January 1st, 2020," said Gotzmann.
- An overview of NADA Germany's work over the past year can be found in the 2020 Annual Report
- Statement of NADA-CEO Dr. Andrea Gotzmann (in German language, included in the speech section are not the transcripts of the speech itself as it was given by the speaker on the actual day)
- Recording of the press conference 2021 on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QpFI-G6oEk