The National Anti-Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany) has once again invited the Anti-Doping Representatives (ADBs) of the top national sports associations and athletes to a joint anti-doping workshop in Bonn. The annual workshop serves the purpose of joint networking and exchange on current anti-doping topics.
The participants were offered a broad program. Among other things, NADA Germany's specialist departments presented current figures from the testing system, recommendations for action to connect athletes to arbitration in anti-doping cases and anti-doping-relevant information on operations and medical treatment. The NRW Consumer Association, represented by Ms. Angela Clausen, explained the risks of dietary supplements in sport in a vivid presentation.
There were also two interactive workshops where participants could get hands-on. Participants learned where doping traps lurk and how to avoid them. A second workshop dealt with athletes' views on anti-doping work. This was based on the results of a survey of participants in the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024.
Finally, Claudia Knack (former pentathlete), Dr Constanze Winter (German Equestrian Federation), Stefan Trinks (World Anti-Doping Agency) and Dr Lars Mortsiefer (NADA Germany) discussed current developments and perspectives in international anti-doping work.
The informative day was rounded off by a joint discussion with all participants and NADA Germany employees.