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Here you can find information about NADA's tasks.

NADA is the abbreviation for National Anti Doping Agency Germany.
Dr Lars Mortsiefer and Dr Eva Bunthoff manage NADA. NADA is in Bonn and has 40 employees.

NADA takes care of anti-doping work in German professional sport.

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Doping tests

One of NADA's tasks are doping tests
NADA Germany tests athletes with urine tests and blood tests
Athletes can be tested during training or during a competition. 

There are rules on how to test athletes. The rule book is called the World Anti-Doping Code. Doping test rules are called the International Standard for Testing and Investigations

Also horses in sports are tested by NADA Germany since 2012.


Education is a very important task for NADA. 
Education protects athletes from doping
Education teaches athletes that they should not use doping substances

NADA has a education programme. The programme is called TOGETHER AGAINST DOPING. This programme helps athletes, coaches, parents, and teachers say "no" to doping.

Help with medical questions

NADA Germany also helps athletes with their medical questions.

When athletes are sick, sometimes they don't know which medicine they are allowed to take. 

NADA Germany helps athletes find the right medication or treatment. If the athlete wants to apply for a medication, NADA Germany helps.

Legal matters

NADA Germany also takes care of legal matters

There are sets of rules, the International Anti-Doping Regulation and the National Anti-Doping Code. The rules say what happens when an athlete dopes.
NADA Germany makes sure that the rules are followed in Germany.

If an athlete is caught doping, NADA Germany makes sure that the athlete is punished. The police can help NADA Germany with this.

[Translate to English:] Auf dem Bild ist das Büro-Gebäude der NADA. Die NADA hat ihr Büro-Gebäude in der Stadt Bonn, in Nordrhein-Westfalen.Enlarge Image
[Translate to English:] Die NADA hat ihr Büro-Gebäude in der Stadt Bonn, in Nordrhein-Westfalen.