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Difficult words are explained in the dictionary.



ADAMS is a database that athletes who participate in doping controls need to sign up to. 
Athletes write on ADAMS where they are so that doping control officers know where to go to do the doping control. 


It is the name of an initiative. 
An initiative is a project to start something.
The purpose of the GIVE EVERYTHING, TAKE NOTHING intiative is to raise awareness to sport without doping. 


Android is the operating system of many mobile phones.
The operating system is required so that we can tell the mobile phone or computer what to do.

Anti-doping regulations

Doping is using forbidden substances in sport. These substances improve the performance of athletes.
Regulations are the rules on anti-doping for all athletes and sports organisations who participate in international and national competitions.

Anti-doping rules

Doping is using forbidden substances in sport. These substances improve the performance of athletes.
Anti-doping rules say which substances are not allowed.

Anti-Doping Rule Violations

Violations happen when somone does something that is against the rules.
Anti-doping rule violations are, for example, taking illegal medicine.
If you violate an anti-doping rule, you can be punished.

Anti-doping work

Anti-doping work are all tasks and projects with the purpose of stopping doping.  


An application is a document that is filled out and sent to a person or organisation. 
The application asks for permission to do something. 


An app is a program used on a mobile phone.
For example there are games as apps or social network apps such as Facebook.
There is also a NADA Germany app. On the NADA Germany app there is a lot of information about anti-doping.


An athlete is a person who participates in sports.
Sports are activities during which you move. Basketball, football, or running are examples of sports. 


Blood sampling/tests

Blood is the red liquid in our body.
Blood sampling involves taking blood from the body of an athlete.
The blood is tested to see if the athlete has doping substances in their body.


Brochures are small booklets.
There is information and pictures in these booklets.


Database for medicine

A database is a list. NADA Germany has a database for medicine. The database tells you if the medicine is allowed or not allowed.  



The dictionary explains anti-doping words. 


Doctors are people who help other people stay healthy.
For example, you go to the dentist so that you have healthy teeth.
Doctors also give us medicine when we are sick.


A document is an important piece of writing.
For example a driver's license or a contract.


Doping is when you take substances that are not allowed in sport.

Doping controls

Doping tests or controls is when we check to see whether an athlete or horse has taken doping substances.

Doping substances

Doping substances are things like medication or drugs that are not allowed in sport.

Doping tests

Doping tests or controls is when we check to see whether an athlete or horse has taken doping substances.

Drop down box

A drop down box is like a list. The list has different topics. You can click on a topic in the list you want to know more about. 



GIVE EVERYTHING, TAKE NOTHING is the name of an initiative. 
An initiative is a project to start something.
The purpose of the GIVE EVERYTHING, TAKE NOTHING intiative is to raise awareness to sport without doping.

Goals of NADA Germany

The goals of NADA Germany are things that NADA Germany wants to achieve.


Education programme

Education means stopping something before it happens.
The NADA Germany education programme is about stopping doping before it happens.
A part of the programme are courses that can be taken online.


E-learning is the abbreviation for electronic learning. That means that you learn something on the computer.



A file is for example a document that you look at on your computer.
You can save a file on your computer and look at it again later.


Main areas

Main areas on the NADA website are important topics or departments. At NADA there are 7 main areas on the website.
1. Home
3. Legal Matters
4. Medicine
5. Testing
6. Prevention
7. Service



An icon is a symbol.
A symbol has a meaning for something.
For example, an icon of a heart is a symbol for love.


An initiative is an action or a project with which you want to get something going.
You can also say that an initiative is the first step if you want to achieve something.

International Anti-Doping Regulations

The International Anti-Doping Regulations are the rules on anti-doping for all athletes and sports organisations who participate in international competitions.
International means that people and organisations from different countries participate.

International Standard for Testing and Investigations

The International Standard for Testing and Investigations are rules. The rules say how doping tests must be carried out.


iOS is the operating system used in cell phones by the brand Apple.
You need an operating system so that a computer can be used by humans.
A cell phones from the brand Apple is often called an iPhone.


Legal matters

Legal matters are issues about the law and doping in sports.

Legal questions

Legal questions are questions about the law and doping in sports.


A logo is an icon. The NADA Germany logo is on the top left of this page. The NADA Germany logo is black and white.


Main areas

The main areas on the NADA Germany website are important topics or departments. There are 7 main areas on the NADA Germany website.

1. Home
3. Legal Matters
4. Medicine
5. Testing
6. Prevention
7. Service

Medical database

A database is a list.
The medical database lists many drugs and whether the drug is allowed for athletes.

Medical enquiry

You take medicine when you are sick to get well again.
An athlete can also get sick from time to time.
An enquiry is a question. 
Athletes ask NADA Germany questions about medicine, so that they do not accidentally take doping substances.

Medicine and Medication

When you are sick, medicine can help you get well again.
Medicine can be bought in the pharmacy, for example.
Other words for medicine is medication and drugs. 


A method is a type of therapy. A prohibited method in sports is a therapy that professional athletes aren't allowed to do.



NADAjus is a database. A database is a list.
The NADAjus database contains anti-doping violations.
Anti-doping violations are cases in which an athlete has taken doping substances and is punished for doing so.

NADA (National Anti Doping Agency Germany)

NADA Germany is the abbreviation for National Anti Doping Agency Germany.
Dr. Lars Mortsiefer is the manager of NADA Germany.
NADA Germany is in Bonn and has 43 employees.
NADA Germany takes care of anti-doping work in German professional sport.

NADA Germany's annual reports

An annual report describes what has happened in one year.
NADA Germany's annual report describes what NADA Germany has done in one year.

NADA Germany Calendar

The NADA Germany calendar shows when events from NADA Germany are happening. 


The NATIONAL ANTI DOPING CODE are rules that athletes must follow.
The rules are about unallowed substances and methods for athletes.

NADA Germany events

Events are important things that are happing at a certain time and place. 

NADA Germany news

The news is updates or current topics.
News from NADA Germany is on the NADA Germany homepage.

NADA Germany's partners

NADA Germany's partners are other people or organisations with which NADA Germany works.
But these people or organisations are not part of NADA Germany.

National Anti-Doping Code (NADC)

The National Anti-Doping Code are rules that athletes must follow.
The rules are about unallowed substances for athletes.


The prohibited list

This is a list that contains all substances that are not allowed for athletes. 

Press releases

Press releases are information for newspapers and journalists.  

Prohibited substances

Prohibited means not allowed. Substances are medicine, devices, therapies that are used when you are sick to get well again.
Prohibited substances are not allowed in sport.

Prohibited methods

Prohibited means not allowed. A method is a type of therapy. 
Prohibited methods are not allowed in sport.

Professional sport

People who do professional sports earn money with sports.
For example, a professional athlete can make money when he or she wins a major competition.



Rules are things you are not allowed to do or things you have to do.
For example, there is a rule that you are not allowed to cross the traffic light when it is red. 
In a set of rules all rules about a topic are written down. 

Red frame

Here red frames are explained. These can be found on the page "Signposts"


Search box

When you are searching for something, you are trying to find it. 
On the NADA Germany website there is a search box. 
If you are looking for something you can type it into the search box.

Social networks

Social networks are online platforms. You can communicate with other people on these platforms. Facebook is an example of a social network. 


With SPEAK UP you can send a message to NADA without providing your name. 

Sport horses

Horses are animals. Some people ride on horses.
Horses in sports are horses that participate in big competitions. For example some horses participate in horse races or dressage.


Substances are medicine, devices, therapies that are used when you are sick to get well again.
Some substances are not allowed in sport.



Out-of-competion tests and in-competition tests are doping tests.
The doping control officer is the person who does the blood or urine test with the athlete.

In the case of a test during a competition, the doping control officer comes after the competition to carry out a doping test with the athlete.

In the case of a test out of competition, the doping control officer does not come to the competition for the test. For example, he can come to training. But it can also come to the athlete's home or to the athlete's school.

Therapeutic use exemption (TUE)

Sometimes when athletes are sick they need to take an unallowed medicine to get healthy again.
To take the unallowed medicine they need to get a therapeutic use exemption.
If the athlete has a therapeutic use exemption, they are not punished for taking the unallowed medicine. 


TOGETHER AGAINST DOPING is a programme that teaches you about anti-doping.
The programme is managed by NADA Germany.
The programme is for athletes, coaches, and parents.
Everyone can learn something about anti-doping and how to protect themselves against it.


Treatment is medical therapy.
You can get treatment from a doctor.
For example, a vaccination that protects us from illness is also a treatment.


Urine tests

Urine is our "wastewater". Urine is also called pee.
The urine test involves the athlete going to the toilet and filling a container with urine.
The urine is then tested to see if the athlete has doping substances in their body.


World Anti-Doping Code

The World Anti-Doping Code contains all the rules on doping. The World Anti-Doping Code is the set of rules on doping. For example, it contains all the substances that professional athletes are not allowed to take.